
Facilitation of Document Upload

What does aasaan Solve?👀

  • Making the uploading of documents etc. In online applications a piece of cake.

  • This we are achieving by able to redirect to an app once the user clicks the upload button.

  • From the App the users can take a photo of the desired documents and can upload it to the required component. by compressing it to the required size

Technology Stack⭐

What all aasan can do?💭

aasaan contains some of the features which will be helped to scan document and upload

Scanning UI User guidance to the best position for capturing the document with manual + automatic photo capture of the document

Pre-Processing of images By scanning the document it will automatically process the image and give you readable documents with multiple filters

Perspective Correction 4 Point `getPerspective` Transform, it will automatically detect crop the image

Text Recognition (OCR) Text Rekognition is done using Mobile vision API. so, when user wants to scan the aadhar card he can automatically get the code

Online Cloud we used firebase database for online cloud, if the user lost the documents also he can retrieve all of them with no time

File compression With the help of OpenCV 3.0 we added the compressor, the user can compress the document with the given input.

Multiple Formats The scanned image can be converted into multiple forms JPG, PDF, TiFF etc

How is privacy ensured?

All files being stored in Firebase cloud, no one except with user authentication would be able to read them. For further clarification, whenever the user upload or download the documents it will automatically check the authentication



Ajay Prabhakar

Puneeth Chanda

Ashwin Ramakrishnan

Akshay Praveen Nair

Nehal Nevle

Last updated

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